lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

what the hell???

um...........i had just a few issues with the first of this book about the "puente del Brooklyn." Besides the fact that i had to look up every second word, it was really hard for me to get through 5 pages the details of the Brooklyn bridge. And i dont mean to be hasty, because i too, appreciate detail and he de it very well, but why about something so dull (and yes it was dull) like a bridge. Im not sure why he wrote about the bridge but it did give off a goo image of the magnitude of the power in size of the bridge, and the effort it took by so many people to contstruct something that is so beyond our size. Im not sure what this has to do with chicanos though.

I think that the author has a very unique style in his writing as he observes everything he sees and uses a lot of comparison. When i read his writing he makes me feel like there is just so much going on. He talks alot about crowds and people and i just felt like the scene of "Gable" in New York was over crowded yet awkwardly glorious (if that makes any sense). anyways hopefully as i keep reading ill try to make some sense of what the author is trying to get at...

5 comentarios:

katiekat dijo...

I think that Martí may have been talking in general about foreigners (not just chicanos) when he described the building of the bridge. He uses such satire against the 'great, powerful Americans'that you can tell he is all for the 'little people'who put their life into building these monstrosities for pompous beaurocrats...or at least that's what i got out of it! haha!
By the way, nice title...I definitely wanted to read your past after seeing it! ;)

katiekat dijo...

oops, that last sentence was supposed to say 'post' :S

AnnaC dijo...

I agree with Katie, your title sure got my attention!!

I also took quite a bit of time trying to decipher what Marti was writing. Even though it took a long time i thought it was a very pleasing read from what i could understand! He was able to show that the bridge meant more than a piece of great architecture. Like Katie has mentioned, i think that Marti was writing about foreigners in general.

Anónimo dijo...

I agree with you on the fact that he uses a lot of comparisons in his writings. That combined with his excessively long sentences can, I thought, be a little overwhelming. There were some paragraphs where I felt lost because I forgot what what going on.

Jacqui dijo...

Well I'm glad SOME people agree with me...I wrote my blog entitled "boring yet satisfying" and I got "attacked" by comments in utter disagreement with what I thankyou for having the boldness to go against the grain and write this..hehe

One thing though, I am glad that the stories do get a bit more interesting later on...however the vocab is still a bit of a problem for me!